Our markings

are simple but elaborate. We explain them to newcummers before the hash, but it won’t do you any harm to have a look here already.

We use flour to mark our trails. You find it on trees, rocks and the ground
At a circle, check out different trails. Find three marks and you are on. Kick the circle into the right direction to let walkers know the way.
False Trail. Go all the way back to the check and try to find the right trail.
Backcheck. The right trail is between this mark and the check
At the Rambo / Whimp split you have to decide whether you want to do the longer or shorter trail
A lot of hashers despise backchecks
They clearly prefer this one.
Hashers help hashers. Always follow the arrow…
…unless a trustworthy looking hasher tells you otherwise
No more checks after the On In. More important: Beer is Neer