Ladies & “Gentlemen” of the Guangzhou Hash,
It’s a busy holiday weekend of hashing brought to you by the CPC, so enjoy your day off by making it up on a Saturday work day.* For those of you fortunate enough to skirt your responsibilities, the Party has given us one of its own to set you a Qing Ming Saturday trail: Left-Right-Up-Down! Teaming (teeming?) with hare-for-life Constipation, LRUD has promised virgin activity to his followers, much like other Party officials recently…and just in time for April Fools Day.
Take the afternoon off ON ON Saturday for another best Constipation trail ever this month!
* Be Happy In Your Work
What: GZH3 Run #1427: The April Fools Hash
When: Saturday, April 1st. Meet at 1:00PM SHARP!
Where: The Mango Bar – Taojin Exit B (Line 5)
Hares: Constipation & Left-Right-Up-Down
Also this Tuesday is the 4th Guangzhou Metro Hash, where Turtlehead and Lost Sausage have planned a tomb-sweeping trail to celebrate the holiday. Remember to pack light, as you’re carrying whatever you bring ala a Full Moon Hash. No cost for the trail, but dinner and beer will be split equally among the hashers.
What: GZMH3 Run #4: The Qing Ming Metro Hash
When: Tuesday, April 4th. Meet at 1:00PM SHARP!
Where: Gao Tang Shi Metro Exit A (Line 6)
Hares: Turtlehead & Lost Sausage
And don’t forget Friday’s Social Run!
What: Social Run & Sichuan Dinner
When: Friday, March 31st. 7:00PM SHARP!
Where: The Mango Bar – Taojin Exit B (Line 5)
Hares: A-to-A run…run your own trail!
On On!
-Three Inches of Pain