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Ladies & “Gentlemen” of the Guangzhou Hash,
The Hanguoren on the south side of the 38th parallel have recently dared to defy the country that has given them culture, language, and a market for terrible boy bands and television shows. Having pointed their throbbing missiles of love toward Pyongyang and Beijing, the Koreans have created a feeling of phallus envy among the Chinese.
In order to assuage some of this hostility toward the Hanguoren, the GZH3 has turned to its resident experts on phallus envy to make things right again. Tomorrow’s hares have set a ballbuster of a Korean appreciation hash, even concluding with Korean BBQ!
Cum Saturday to salute the Koreans; drive a Hyundai to the Mango Bar, snack on Lotte pies, and slam some soju at the BBQ at the best Korean hash ever!
What: GZH3 Run #1432 – THADD: The Hanguo Appreciation Dash to Deliciousness
When: Saturday, May 6th. Meet at 1:00PM SHARP (Hiking Club meets at 2)
Where: The Mango Bar – Taojin Exit B at NOON (Line 5)
Hares: Scratch-n-Sniff & Shoeless Ho
On On!
-Three Inches of Pain