
#1218 – The Conspirative Hash

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Guangzhou Hash,

Last week saw the first entirely unhashvertised Hash in as long as I can remember. The consequences of this reckless lapse were severe. Only 39 people showed up, and a lot of devastated hashers were left behind in Guangzhou, not realizing that the Hash runs every Saturday – no matter what. It goes without saying that the mismanagement immediately appointed a committee to investigate the circumstances that led to this major flaw.

However, after a night of thoroughly investigating the whole affair*, the committee finally concluded that it is impossible to get to the bottom of it, and that any further digging will only stir up more mud and make things dirtier than they already are. Honestly, the investigation didn’t really get us anywhere near the truth, but gave us quite a headache instead. It’s a valuable lesson learned, though. I will certainly keep it in mind until the next time someone offers to buy me a beer or twelve.

The mismanagement has, in what is widely regarded as an extremely responsible move, decided to stop the investigation, and to invite conspiracy theories instead. Was foul play involved? What do this week’s hares know about this mess? And who are they anyway?


Who: Hunkaspunk, Forest Hump

When: Saturday, June 15, 2013 @ 1.30 PM

Where: Gold Mango Bar

What: Swim Stop at or near B-point

What else: More conspiracy theories in the circle!!!


On On,


*at the Gold Mango Bar. As you know, Tony’s cozy bar has been awarded** the most investigation-friendly bar in Guangzhou.

**by the GZH3 Award Committee, coincidentally consisting of the same members that were appointed to investigate Hashvertisementgate. The award ceremony took place immediately after officially closing the case.***

***I would like to emphasize that the case is really closed. We don’t need any further facts or evidences. So, unless you can contribute wild speculations in the circle, please shut the fudge up.

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