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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Guangzhou Hash,
AS YOU KNOW, it has been a long and extremely enjoyable tradition on the Guangzhou Hash to pour (among other substances) buckets filled with icy-cold water over hashers’s heads when we baptize them. AS YOU also KNOW, in recent months, this sacred Guangzhou Hash tradition has become a fancy pastime for all kind of stars and, even more so, wannabe celebrities. What you probably don’t know is why. I have to admit, me neither. I mean, of course, I like the tradition, but I prefer when it is happening to others, but not so much when it’s happening to me or, gods beware, if I had to do it to myself. So, folks, as perplexed as I am by such odd behavior, as the Grand Master of the Guangzhou Hash and a very vain man I also feel a tiny little bit of pride that our very own rite has become a global phenomenon, such as planking or swaffelen.
However, life is sometimes more complicated than it ought to be, and so, yesterday evening, right before I wanted to finish my work and go home, I got a really distressing wake-up call from someone who I believe to be a very trustworthy person. He said that unlike the planking or the swaffeling, the ice-bucketeering wasn’t as harmless as it seemed. In fact, it’s extremely dangerous. Nowadays, there are so many wannabe celebrities who pour ice water over their head that the global ice reserves at most polar caps and basically all glaciers are shrinking at an alarmingly fast pace. So, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Guangzhou Hash, I beg you: Don’t do the ice bucket thing! Leave that to experienced bucketeers such as your GZH3 mismanagement team.
When: Saturday, August 23, 2014 @ 1.30 PM
Where: Gold Mango Bar
Who: Hunkaspunk and Constipation.
What: ice-cold swimming pool at B-point
On On,