2016 Full Moon Hash

Full Moon Hash #116 – The Redemption Hash

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Guangzhou Hash,

As you may or may not know, the etymology of the name “Turtlehead” has its roots in a full moon hash from about a year ago, While setting his virgin full moon trail, this week’s hare brought FIVE kgs of flour and still somehow managed to run out, causing a massive fuckup (another fuckup was Eveready being allowed to order the food that night). Due to this shitting of flour everywhere, combined with some previous gastrointestinal issues on a hash, the name “Turtlehead” was given.

One year and many harings later, our hare has promised to redeem himself with the best full moon trail of 2016, saying at Saturday night’s GZH3 press conference sponsored by The Mango Bar, “I’m really prepared this time, guys…I’ve bought 10kg of flour and I really think I’ve got a way to make it last 8-10km this time.”

On On Thursday for the most well-marked full moon trail of all-time!

What: GZFMH3 Run #116: The Redemption Hash

Hare: Turtlehead

When: Thursday, January 21, 7:30PM

Where: San Yuan Li Metro Exit A2* (Line 2)

To get to Line 2, take Line 1 to Gongyuanqian, Line 6 to Haizhu Squre, or Line 8 to Changang instead of taking Line 5, where you’d be transferring at the Railway Station and subsequently committing suicide.

There are TWO spots available for Conghua and I expect to fill these by tomorrow. Contact me or Thumbleprints to reserve your spot la!

On On,

Three Inches of Pain

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