
Run #1570: ‘The Baiyun Ballbreaker Hash’

Ladies and “Gentlemen” of the Guangzhou Hash,
Cum Cannon and one of his haring harem began the Baiyun Ballbreaker tradition in 2016 as a way to prove that Baiyun Mountain still had a purpose besides hauling ayis up the mountain in glorified golf carts for photo shoots and fast food at the top.
Shoeless Ho, the venerable and venereal ex-ex-ex-ex-GM of the Guangzhou Hash, along with Scratch-n-Sniff, continued this annual escapade in 2017 by accidentally setting 18km on the first hot-n-humid day of the year, causing the circle to consist of a bunch of dehydrated hashers mumbling “heeshahasherthrooranthroo” before seeking refuge at the bottom of a soju bottle in Sanyuanli.
One year ago, a fit Womb Raider helped a bloke half her age through the mountainous midnight after he realized a GZH3 ballbuster was a liiiittle different than what he was used to in Bangkok.
We go back to the Holiest of Happy Guangzhou Hashing Grounds this Saturday for the BAIYUN BALLBREAKER.
Walkers and Runners trail available also!!!
On On!
-The Hares
What: GZ Hash Run #1570: The Baiyun Ballbreaker Hash
Hares: Three Inches of Pain and Just Eros
When: Saturday, December 7th – 1:00pm SHARP!
Where: Mango Bar Taojin Exit B (Line 5)
Cost: 0 – 6 yo free, 7 – 12 yo 65 RMB and 13+ 130 RMB cash or WeChat for bus, run, drinks and dinner.
Bring: Change of clothes, change of shoes, balls.

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