[foogallery-album id=”7109″]
What happens when a dumb bold man takes an even dumber blond babe for a walk in the forest and decides to name it a Hash Run?
NOTHING GOOD, that’s what happens!
Most likely…
They will forget the trail they scouted and end up in pushes.
If they manage to find the trail they will forget to mark it.
If they remember to mark they will discover they have forgotten to buy flour.
If they have flour they cannot figure out how to use it.
If they figure out how to use it they will cover the first part of the trail in flour and finish all by the mid of it.
If they somehow manage to set the trail they will forget where the point B is so we all have to go back.
It will be a CATASTROPHE and we all WILL GET LOST but it will be FUN because we will have…
the sexiest hare ever (the bold one of course)
the ‘easiest’ hare ever (the blond one of course)
loads of alcohol
loads of surprises on the trail and after
amazing dinner spot
dumbest circle
Be there or miss the chance to laugh over our dumbness!