Ladies and ‘Gentlemen’of the Guangzhou Hash.
The Guangzhou Hash forges On On this Saturday but, cuntsidering the restless natives at many of our favorite A & B points, we’ll be setting the trail as an A-to-A in the friendly and quiet confines of the same B point that has provided shelter from the storm of a world-gone-crazy in the past few weeks. Even though our favorite pool at 10,000 Bamboos is no more, we also won’t find xenophobic stooges taking advantage of their one moment of power, either.
You might think an A-to-A trail sounds boring, but looking at the listed hares for Saturday’s run, you can be assured that “the same ol’ area” will still turn up something of (ill?) repute. While Saturday’s trail might “just” be an A-to-A, don’t expect it to be short or boring
SPECIAL NOTICE: All hashers please note and follow these 3 guidelines for attending hash:
a) must have been in Guangdong province for more than 14 days
b) have a valid “Suikang” code (the one that tracks your latest entry and places of stay in China) on your phone
c) temperature check on the bus, same as any restaurant or checkpoint
Despite the GZH3 generally being an insane source of sanity, an idiotic escape from idiocy, and a sincere shrine of insincerity – we’re best to keep things on the up-and-up until this thing blows over.
On On!
-The GZH3 Mismanagement
PS. Let’s pretend that, on the bus, everyone smells like our Dear GM and we all want to keep plenty of space from one another J
PSS. Definitely note the “change of shoes” mentioned in the following info…
PSSS. There might be some food available at the B-point, please chip in a little if you join
What: GZH3 Run #1587: ‘The New Normal Hash’
Hares: The Family Hunka
When: March 28th – 1:00PM Sharp!
Where: The Gold Mango Bar (100M west of Taojin Metro Exit B)
Price: 70rmb for adults, 35 for kids, free for babies that don’t drink 4 Coca-Colas during Hash
Bring: MASK REQUIRED ON BUS – NO EXCEPTIONS. Change of clothes/shoes, virgin, SUIKANG CODE.