2013 Prize giving

Run #1245: ‘The Annual Awards Party”

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Guangzhou Hash,

This is the top event of the Hashing Season: The Annual Hash Awards Ceremony, aka ‘The Christmas Party’. History will once again be written when our most deserving hashers are bestowed priceless awards and fantastic prizes.

The Party starts on Saturday, December 14 @ 7.30 PM. As in previous years we party at the Wunderbar on Tianhe Bei Lu 175 – 181. German food, German beer and French wine and a great live band are included in the ridiculously low and heavily subsidized ticket price of 200 RMB. Tickets can be acquired during the ”Friday, The Thirteenth Hash”, or on Saturday at the Gold Mango Bar before the regular Hash. It goes without saying that there aren’t too many left, so you better hurry up.

A lot of people have asked ‘What? The GZH3 is still hashing before the Party?’ This is an extremely insensitive question. Of course there is a hash. There is a hash on EVERY given Saturday, cum rain, shine or Awards Ceremony. As always, we are going to meet at the Gold Mango Bar @ 1 PM. The bus leaves at 1.30 PM SHARP, and this time I mean EXTRA SHARP. The run has two essential runner/walker splits (2 and 1km respectively farther for runners) so that everybody will get back to the bins at about the same time. The circle will start as early as possible. The trail is a standard sized GZH3 run, therefore the circle has to be shortened, and swing-lowed around 5 PM to give hashers time to get showered and dressed before the party starts. The dress code is FORMAL. This is a beautiful, century-old tradition of the Guangzhou Hash and we aren’t going to change it.

When: Saturday, December 14 @ 1 PM

Where: Gold Mango Bar

Who: Muffdiver and 00

What: 88% virginal hash

On On,


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